
Give it a rest already

Don't get me wrong, I love Jennifer Aniston. I am, however, getting tired of hearing about how "tired" she is of hearing and talking about Brad and Angelina. In the latest GQ magazine (which she is again naked on the cover) she makes sarcastic remarks about the friendly-ness of their relationship. This is the nth time she has been quoted in magazines (and not tabloid type magazines... real $6 a pop magazines) about how she wishes people would lay off the Brangelina topic... but yet she continues to have quotes about it.

When Brad and Jen first split up, I (along with most of the female population) couldn't believe our ears. How could he leave Jen for someone like Angelina... she's so not his type...what is he thinking? Fast forward 6ish years and no one has a hard time understanding why, blaming him for doing it, or really caring anymore. This has proven unfortunate for Jen. I believe she would have come out on top had Friends still been a running show and she was still in the limelight as America's Sweetheart. She was pushed on the back burner as the world dissected Brangelina and tried to figure out how things were going to turn out. Jen took the high road for a very long time, choosing not to comment for years... but has somehow forgotten her morals and slipped into the media's grasp for rumors, backstabbing and stinging quotes. (The bombing of most of her movies and the release of her latest one pending, the lack of morals may be in hopes of raising interest and therefore ticket sales but who really knows.)

Jen, if you're reading this. Go back to "no comment" or the ease of a cold shoulder when asked about Brad and/or Angelina. Even if people aren't jumping on the bandwagon to choosing your side, you won't be losing any fans either (which you will soon if you continue to talk about it).

Gabby GG

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